Chemical Peels

A procedure used to improve the quality and texture of the skin, as well as reducing the appearances of wrinkles. The chemical peels will work by removing the outer layer of the skin allowing for new skin growth. The chemical peels help firm and tighten the skin.

30-45 mins
Minimal discomfort

More than one session is required at 4 weekly intervals to maintain and see maximus beneficial results.

Pre procedure on week before:
Avoid using topical prescription products containing retinol or vitamin A.
Dermal fillers or anti-wrinkle injections allow two weeks prior to treatment.
Avoid having any other facial peel treatment.
Day of procedure: do not use any exfoliating products, makeup, or creams.

No sunbeds
No saunas
No makeup
Avoid direct sunlight.
Avoid exercise and sweating.
Discontinue and creams containing alpha hydroxy for a least 72 hrs or six weeks of you are having a course of treatment.
Drink plenty of water